8Dio Studio Percussion Orchestral KONTAKT-DECiBEL

8Dio Studio Percussion Orchestral KONTAKT-DECiBEL

8Dio Studio Orchestral Percussion is a monumental deep-sampled collection of six orchestral percussion instruments. This unique collection contains first-class Marimba, Glockenspiel, Xylophone, Vibraphone, Crotales and Tubular Bells.

All the instruments were deep-sampled extensively with a vast set of articulations. First, you have the option to choose what type of mallet you want to play with. We recorded with both soft/felt mallets and solid wooden mallets, which brings out very different timbres in the instruments. Secondly, we recorded the instruments with both brushes and bows, which brings out a whole other set of articulations. We also recorded extensive tremolo rolls for the instruments.

But equally important we recorded all the instruments with our new Groove Sampling method. Groove Samples allows you to play the instruments in ways you cannot with traditional multi-samples. The samples give a completely fluent and natural sound in the percussion. We recorded the Groove Samples in three different tempos and multiple velocity layers pr. tempo. There is really nothing like them around and this patent pending method is proprietary to 8Dio’s sample collections.

In addition, we recorded everything through extensive microphone arrays resulting in three core microphone positions (Close, Middle & Room). Everything was processed through a custom NEVE console – giving you the best possible sound at your fingertips.

Studio Orchestral Percussion is designed around playability and ease-of-use. All articulations and playing styles are easily accessible from our built-in browser system and just a single click away.

We’ve also included a new dual layered FX system. The first of which is our front-face FX system that gives you control over a trance gate, filters, pitch, delay, compression and our new textural convolution delay. The new textural convolution allows you to take dozens of new convolutions and use them as delay components. We have also included our new Chaos FX engine, which gives you control over things such as EQ, Phasing, distortion, stereo delay and an additional convolution reverb.

It has always been our mantra to push sampling forward in regards to realism and playability. Studio Orchestral Percussion is our third product in line of several products which utilize our proprietary Groove Sampling method. Which we really think it is going to make compositions sound richer and easier then ever to create.

Kontakt VST / AU / AAX
Installed Size: 14+GB (23,000+ Samples)
3 Microphone Positions (Close, Mid, Room)
Deep-Sampled Marimba, Vibraphone, Xylophone
Deep-Sampled Glockenspiel, Crotales & Tubular Bells
New Patent Pending Groove Sampling Technique
6 Instruments and multiple articulation & mallet types
New Front-Face FX and Mod-Sequencer
Product only available as Direct Download
Full Retail Version of Kontakt 5.5 (or later) Required
Same Library as Aura Studio Percussion

New Advanced Aura Architecture for Ultra-Realism
Two FX Systems. Front-Face FX and Chaos FX
3 Microphone Positions (Close, Mid, Room)
Textural Convolutions (Tempo-Synced to DAW)
Deep-Sampled Marimba, Vibraphone & Glockenspiel
Deep-Sampled Xylophone, Tubular Bells & Crotales
Internal Browser for immediate access
Multi-Samples and Aura Groove Samples in same patch
Aura-Sample Control on Modwheel
Rhythm Sculpting Tool (MOD Sequencer)
Ability to RANDOMIZE all Front-Faced FX with a single click

Full Retail version of Kontakt 5.5+ required / Not compatible with free Kontakt Player
Kontakt 5.5.1 is 32 and 64-bit compatible on both PC and MAC platforms
Studio Percussion Orchestral requires 15GB of hard drive space
Runs as a stand-alone application, VST or Audio Units plug-in, AAX under Pro Tools
Minimum: Mac OS X 10.9, 8 GB RAM or Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10. A minimum 8 GB of RAM or more is highly recommended for affective streaming
+23,000 samples
Sample resolution: 48Khz / 24Bit stereo
Format(s): Kontakt (.NCW, .NKI)


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