[采样]BPB Cassette 606

[采样]BPB Cassette 606

I am thrilled to announce the release of BPB Cassette 606, a free collection of 606 drum machine samples with an additional set of drum hits which have been recorded to and then re-sampled from an audio cassette.

The clean 606 drum machine recordings have been provided by anderson303. He sampled his modded 606 prior to selling it, doing a great job at capturing all the different sounds this drum machine can produce. The sampled machine was actually the Exfade  mod version of the instrument, which made it possible to tweak the pitch of each drum hit.

The raw takes provided by anderson303 were then recorded to my trusty old cassette deck and re-sampled back to digital format. I recorded the samples to a CrO2 audio cassette at two different gain settings. The first take was recorded at a medium gain setting, adding a bit of noise and crunch to the original sounds. The second take was really hot and a bit over the top, adding lots of distortion to the sound and resulting in a variety of meaty kicks and punchy snares.

The final product contains both the clean recordings and the tape processed samples which have been organized into two separate drum kits. I’ve also added three poise drum kit mappings to the pack. A collection of SFZ mappings for the kit might be added in near future, however, the fact that the download contains individual WAV files means that you can quickly load up the samples in your favorite drum sampler.

A big thank you goes out to anderson303 for creating the raw drum machine recordings and letting me use them as the source of material for this free sample collection.

If you’re interested in collaborating on a project similar to this one,get in touch ! Also, if you use these drum samples in a tune, feel free to post the SoundCloud link in the comments section below and I’ll include your track in the article.



The BPB Cassette 606 download pack contains:

  • 128 audio samples in 24-bit WAV format
  • 72 clean 606 one-shot drum samples
  • 56 tape processed 606 one-shot drum samples
  • 3 Poise drum kits (DKT format)



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